Oct 17, 2019
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Cursor Blend

A few short lines of code, to replace the pointer with an interactive color element.

1. Giving an element a mix-blend-mode property so it will change it's color by the color of the element behind.

We start by creating a div and giving it the class .cursor and these properties:

  • width: 30px
  • height: 30px
  • margin-top: -15px
  • margin-left: -15px
  • position: absolute
  • z-index: 9999
  • background: white
  • border-radius: 30px

Now we need to add a bit of code for that to work well.

1st part is making sure we won't get horizontal scroll bar once the element (pointer) is outside of the viewport.

2nd part is giving the .cursor class the mix-blend-mode and making it "transparent" so any clicks of the actual pointer will "go through" to the element below.



 ‍ html,

 body {

   max-width: 100%;

   overflow-x: hidden;


 .cursor {

   mix-blend-mode: difference;

   pointer-events: none;




2. Replacing the pointer with the new element.

Now we need edit the body TAG to make the cursor "disappear"

Webflow's Style panel, body TAG selected

And now all that is left to do is to "glue" the .cursor element to the mouse movements with a bit of JavaScript



 var $cursor = $('.cursor');‍


 function moveCursor(e) {


     "top": e.pageY,

     "left": e.pageX




 $(window).on('mousemove', moveCursor);‍




browser mockup
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When your bath soap bar gets too small to use, don't throw it away! open the next bar, and when you finish showering, stick the small old bar to the back of the new bar. Onces they both dry, they will become one.

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