Feb 12, 2023
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Webflow Dashboard Workspaces Hack

Convert the Workspaces dropdown to an open sidebar with custom order.

Using a CSS inject Chrome extension, to add some CSS and reposition, reorder and organize the Workspaces dropdown.

  1. Add to your Chrome a CSS injection extension. I use 'Page Manipulator' or 'User CSS'
  2. Acc the CSS below to the page, and define all pages with the url 'https://webflow.com/dashboard' to use the CSS

Break down

  • The code will only work when your window width is over 1860px. Smaller windows will cause overlap with the Workspace projects and folders.
  • The first part of the CSS places the dropdown at the left side, and keeps it open.
  • Next we make sure all items (workspaces) default order is 10, so we can order the first few.
  • The selected workspace will always get order:1 which will place it at the top of the list with a small separator.

The next part is a bit more complex:

The only way (I could think of) to target a specific Workspaces is by the icon, which we will use as a unique identifier. Make sure each of the workspaces you want to order, has an icon and not the default Webflow one.

Now we can use that icon's URL to target the workspace. Copy the icon's url (right click the icon and 'Open image in a new tab') and place it in the CSS code instead of where it says "THE_URL_OF_THE_ICON_OF_THE_WORKSPACE_YOU_WANT_TO_BE_1st". Do that for each workspace you want to order.

Enjoy :D

@media (min-width: 1860px) {

   .page-header ng-include.ng-scope {

       position: absolute;

       left: 16px;


   .workspace-switcher.ng-scope ul.dropdown-menu.ng-scope {

       display: flex !important;

       flex-direction: column;

       opacity: 1 !important;

       overflow-y: scroll;

       max-height: 85vh;


   .option.ng-scope {

       order: 10;

       position: relative;


   /* Selected Workspace will be placed at top of the list */

   .option.ng-scope.selected {

       order: 1;

       border-bottom: none !important;

       margin-bottom: 16px;


   .option.ng-scope.selected:after {

       content: '';

       position: absolute;

       bottom: -8px;

       left: 0;

       right: 0;

       width: 100%;

       height: 2px;

       background: #4253ff;


   .option.ng-scope:has(img[src='THE_URL_OF_THE_ICON_OF_THE_WORKSPACE_YOU_WANT_TO_BE_1st']) {

       order: 2;


   .option.ng-scope:has(img[src='THE_URL_OF_THE_ICON_OF_THE_WORKSPACE_YOU_WANT_TO_BE_2nd']) {

       order: 3;


   .option.ng-scope:has(img[src='THE_URL_OF_THE_ICON_OF_THE_WORKSPACE_YOU_WANT_TO_BE_3rd']) {

       order: 4;


   .option.ng-scope:has(img[src='THE_URL_OF_THE_ICON_OF_THE_WORKSPACE_YOU_WANT_TO_BE_4th']) {

       order: 5;


   .option.ng-scope:has(img[src='THE_URL_OF_THE_ICON_OF_THE_WORKSPACE_YOU_WANT_TO_BE_5th']) {

       order: 6;


   .option.ng-scope:has(img[src='THE_URL_OF_THE_ICON_OF_THE_WORKSPACE_YOU_WANT_TO_BE_6th']) {

       order: 7;


   .option.ng-scope:has(img[src='THE_URL_OF_THE_ICON_OF_THE_WORKSPACE_YOU_WANT_TO_BE_7th']) {

       order: 8;


   .option.ng-scope:has(img[src='THE_URL_OF_THE_ICON_OF_THE_WORKSPACE_YOU_WANT_TO_BE_8th']) {

       order: 9;

       border-bottom: none !important;

       margin-bottom: 16px;


   .option.ng-scope:has(img[src=""]):after {

       content: '';

       position: absolute;

       bottom: -8px;

       left: 0;

       right: 0;

       width: 100%;

       height: 2px;

       background: #4253ff;






When your bath soap bar gets too small to use, don't throw it away! open the next bar, and when you finish showering, stick the small old bar to the back of the new bar. Onces they both dry, they will become one.

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