Oct 20, 2019
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Email Validation (Non-free / Work)

Excluding 100 of the most popular free email domains from using it in a Webflow form with JavaScript.

What the code does:

  1. When a user clicks the button with the `#btnSubmit` ID the verification function executes.
  2. Takes the variable email from the value of the field with the `#email` ID and compares it with the string from the variable reg.
  3. If no match - do nothing and continue with form submit.
  4. Any other result pops an alert with the text: "Please Enter Business Email Address".

* Be careful - ID's are case sensitive!

Add the next code before the </body> tag


 $(document).ready(function(e) {

   $('#btnSubmit').click(function() {

     var email = $('#email').val();

     var reg = /^([\w-\.]+@(?!gmail.com)(?!yahoo.com)(?!hotmail.com)([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4})?$/;


     if (reg.test(email)) {

       return 0;

     } else {


       return false;






Now add a DIV with a classname .error-div and the "Please Enter Business Email Address" text in it. Place the DIV wherever you want in the document.

Hide the div with display:none.

I have shortened the free email list in this code snippet, so it will look better...

You can add or remove any email domain you desire. Keep it in this format:

For example:

  • (?!gmail.com)
  • (?!yahoo.com)
  • (?!hotmail.com)

Here is the full list I use:





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