Apr 3, 2022
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Floating Labels Interaction

A short CSS code for floating labels on a form

For this to work we need a few things:

  1. You need to have a label for each input field. Those needs to be placed as siblings right after the input field.
  2. A short CSS code to handle the input states
  3. On an Email field, you must have a placeholder text (a blank space or transparent text can work great)

 input[type=email]:not(:placeholder-shown)~.floating-label {
   bottom: 35px;
   font-size: 11px;

 .input-text:focus {
   outline: none;




When your bath soap bar gets too small to use, don't throw it away! open the next bar, and when you finish showering, stick the small old bar to the back of the new bar. Onces they both dry, they will become one.

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Webflow Dashboard Workspaces Hack

Webflow UI Hack

Convert the Workspaces dropdown to an open sidebar with custom order.

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